In a world governed by the omnipotent Ivory Tree, the Blair family, faces a crisis. Their daughter Elle, a bright young woman, is denied entry to Harvard due to her low Social Credit score. This news sets the family on divergent paths under the stringent surveillance of the Ivory Tree. As Elle evolves from a naive reformer to a determined revolutionary, the story vividly illustrates how social credit fractures families, erodes societal bonds, and enslaves humanity.
William, the father, becomes determined to elevate his family’s score, enabling Elle’s academic dreams and his wife Julia’s career ambitions. Julia, a staunch advocate of the Ivory Tree, works tirelessly to climb the corporate ladder, while secretly striving to protect Elle from her brother Mark, a known dissident.
Mark, aware of Elle’s looming danger due to her placement on the Ivory Tree’s execution list, seeks to save her from the system’s clutches and its indoctrination. Elle’s goal, initially, is to attend Harvard and reform the Ivory Tree’s algorithm for the betterment of society. However, upon witnessing the true horrors of the system, she vows to dismantle it entirely.
Elle learns of a new political movement challenging the Ivory Tree, but is cautioned by Mark against speaking out, especially after her friend Ana, who criticized the system, vanishes mysteriously. At a family gathering, Mark reveals a chilling truth: the Ivory Tree targets all dissenters.
Amidst familial discord, Julia faces a moral dilemma when she learns that Ana, the victim of a heinous crime, is untouchable due to the perpetrator’s flawless Social Credit score. Concurrently, William, in his quest for points, considers extreme actions proposed by the Ivory Tree, including wearing a monitoring bracelet, causing Elle grave concern.
Mark, sacrificing his connection with Elle for her safety, severs their ties in the system, boosting her score but leaving her isolated. He hints at a looming Purge, intensifying Elle’s resolve to overthrow the Ivory Tree.
As the narrative unfolds, the family confronts escalating crises: Julia discovers the injustice surrounding Ana’s case, Elle’s quest for revenge intensifies, and William, driven to desperation, grapples with the implications of his actions.
The climax erupts with the Purge: a brutal crackdown on dissenters, revealing the Ivory Tree’s true malevolence. In the chaos, the Blair family faces irreversible losses and betrayals, challenging their beliefs and loyalties.
Ultimately, the story culminates in a harrowing conclusion: Elle’s pursuit of justice, Julia’s devastating realization of the system’s corruption, and William’s tragic descent into madness. In the face of an all-seeing, merciless deity, the Ivory Tree, humanity grapples with the cost of its blind faith.
Awesome story…!