Read The Stories
Where The Wind Blows
Eric G. P

Join a breathtaking odyssey with 'Where the Wind Blows: A Hitchhiker's Tale of Love and Adventure.' This travel memoir unveils a daring global journey on a mere $2 a day, guided by the whims of the wind.

The author's path, marked by hitchhiking through frozen deserts and lush jungles, leads to unexpected shelters and profound human connections.

In a narrative interwoven with the thrills of adventure and the warmth of a blossoming romance in a war zone, the book captures the essence of exploration and serendipity. It's a story about following the wind, discovering love, and embracing the unexpected twists of life.

Soul Dam

Soul Dam

Suddenly he became alertly tense. Sound, sight, and odor had given him a simultaneous warning. His hand went back to the old man, touching him, and the pair stood still. Ahead, at one side of the top of the embankment, arose a crackling sound, and the boy’s gaze was fixed on the tops of the agitated bushes. Then a large bear, a grizzly, crashed into view, and likewise stopped abruptly, at sight of the humans. He did not like them, and growled querulously. Slowly the boy fitted the arrow to the bow, and slowly he pulled the bowstring taut. But he never removed his eyes from the bear.


Empathy School

Building a School Based on Research: How I Built Empathy School

A Harvard-educated teacher and principal recounts the inspiring journey of creating a revolutionary educational haven in Bali. Amidst the global turmoil of COVID-19, this narrative unfolds, revealing how research on children's learning fueled the birth of a school unlike any other. Empathy School emerged as a beacon of innovation, rapidly attracting a diverse student body from across the globe. Delving into the heart of this educational adventure, the book unveils how hands-on projects, nature-based learning, and student-led activities became the cornerstone of a curriculum designed to nurture happiness, social-emotional growth, and academic excellence. Readers will journey through the challenges and triumphs of building a school where children thrived as they should - learning joyfully within a community that celebrated diversity and fostered empathy. This captivating story is not just about building a school; it's a testament to the power of research-driven education and a call to reimagine how we teach our children. It's an essential read for educators, parents, and anyone who believes in the transformative power of empathy in education.